Please Send Hats
Please Send Hats
One Baby Boomer's Rude Awakening to Ovarian Cancer
Please Send Hats is a wonderful memoir that tells Laura Clark Hansen's moving and often hilarious story of cancer survival. She combines vibrant reflections on her Baby Boomer past as she tells the story about the transformative power that cancer can have as it...Rearranges the present...Evokes memories of the past, and...Forever changes the future.
Please Send Hats emphasizes the great importance of early detection, teaches the warning signs of ovarian cancer that we can all be watchful for, while providing hope and inspiration for survivors, their caregivers, and their loved ones.
The overall message is one of hope and healing as it follows her journey to rebuild, reclaim and revitalize a life battered and bruised by illness.
Please Send Hats is available to order on the Amazon and Kismet Books websites
Reviews For Please Send Hats:
“A fascinating story-teller, Clark-Hansen gives the reader insights into her “take the bull by the horns” approach to navigating the river of her cancer journey.”
“Laura writes with a welcoming hand, sharing her life’s path and revealing that which also belongs to you and me.”
“This book will bring tears and laughter touching your raw emotions.”
“This extraordinary woman tells her story with humor, tying in reflections from her past.”
“Laura's story is a message to all of us to be true to ourselves in our own personal journeys.”
“A great read for anyone experiencing cancer, as well those who need inspiration and information.”
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